About Me

My name is Kim Pendergast.  I am running for re-election to the SEMA Board of Directors and think I bring varied and useful experience. I’ve been part of the automotive aftermarket for 15 years; I have been on the board of directors of 5 automotive aftermarket companies;  I’ve run a company that made 300 NASCAR engines a year; and I now run a company, Magnuson Products, which makes superchargers for the aftermarket and for OEMs including GM Camaro, Toyota, and Lotus.
Everything I have done and built over my 44 year career has been with my own money and my own initiative.  I founded, funded and built 5 companies, 2 of which reached $70 million and $100 million within 12 months. Like many entrepreneurs, I’ve had to face and battle through very tough times, often driven by technology disruption and regulatory changes, the same forces challenging the automotive aftermarket today.
When I ask for feedback from mentors and colleagues, I’m told what makes me unique is a combination of strategic and operation skills.  Those I work with consider me to be thoughtful and collaborative, and I am hard working – just like you.  Sometimes I am told I can be too tenacious and too loyal, but anyone who knows me will tell you I am authentic — to the very core.  I’ve decided I can live with that.

Why I’m Running For Reelection to The SEMA Board Of Directors

I believe your business and mine are under attack.  I am not one to take that sitting down and neither should SEMA. 50 employees work at Magnuson Superchargers and they all have families.  They don’t just work there; they are an integral part of our industry – they are both experts and enthusiasts.  It is my responsibility as a leader to ensure they have a future.  I intend through participation on the SEMA board to use its influence to drive initiatives to protect our industry and our rights as people who love cars.

We are not going to repeal the Clean Air Act and that is not my intent.  But we must ensure that the regulation of the automotive industry is not allowed to strip away our long-honored right to modify cars.  Frankly, the letters A-D-A-S (Advanced Driver Assist Systems) scare me far more than E-L-E-C-T-R-I-C.  An electric powertrain might put Magnuson Superchargers out of business, but ADAS can put us all out of business.  It is already driving OEMs to create calibrations inaccessible to the aftermarket. Combine that with laws like the one just passed in Sacramento to make it illegal – Illegal! – to modify your own vehicle in your own garage – well, even the RPM act doesn’t begin to cover that.  Why, I ask, would anyone want to limit our right to modify our own property, and where will we be if this cannot not be redirected to recognize our interests?

We need to get our message out to the public and to activate the 8 million enthusiasts who modify their vehicles every year. If re-elected to the board, I intend to dedicate myself to changing the conversation at the legislative, regulatory and public level to protect our industry through the SEMA board.

I Want To Ensure The Industry Is Around for

Our Fans

Our Customers

Our Employees


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