
Scooters Brothers
Kim has been an invaluable asset to SEMA, bringing a wealth of experience, knowledge, and dedication to the table. As the owner of Magnuson Superchargers, Kim has demonstrated exceptional leadership and a deep understanding of the automotive aftermarket industry. Kim’s previous terms as a SEMA director have been marked by tireless commitment and significant contributions to the organization’s mission. Her insights and strategic vision have helped guide SEMA through various challenges and opportunities, ensuring its continued success as the leading voice of the automotive aftermarket industry.
Scooters Brothers,
President, Driven Racing Oil
Russel Stephens
My name is Russell Stephens and I am endorsing Kim Pendergast for the SEMA Board of Directors.
I spent over 40 years in the automotive aftermarket and during that time spent 25 years volunteering for SEMA including serving three terms on the SEMA Board of Directors. Kim is a unique individual who brings tremendous value to the Board. Why vote for Kim? Kim is an entrepreneur who started 5 businesses, she sits on multiple corporate Boards and is a sitting SEMA Board member now, Kim loves this industry and has been the owner of Arrington Engines before becoming CEO of Magnuson, being on the Board requires a consensus builder. Kim has an extensive network of relationships and has the rare ability to explain her viewpoint and get buy-in from the rest of the directors, simply put, Kim is good for our industry. I endorse Kim Pendergast for the SEMA Board of Directors.
Russel Stephens,
Vice President of Sales and Marketing,
Pertonix Performance Brands

Rose Kawasaki
It takes a unique individual to volunteer their time and serve as a Board Member of a Non-Profit Trade Association. Kim has a proven record of building successful businesses and represents SEMA and its Member Companies unequivocally by her knowledge and dedication to our Industry and its future. Having served alongside Kim, I have witnessed first-hand that she is one of the first ones to roll up her sleeves to protect our Members’ rights, especially as it pertains to Legislation and Regulation. She is the right choice at the right time. I support Kim in her re-election to the SEMA Board of Directors and hope that you will vote for her too.
Rose Kawasaki,
Retired Vice President, Exports International LLC,
Creative Director of Car Guy Adventures LLC
Daniel Gresham
It is my pleasure to again endorse Kim Pendergast for the Board of SEMA. I have known Kim for over 30 years and I continue to be impressed by her intelligence, creativity and high moral standard. It is obvious to all that our industry is changing in a variety of ways. Some of these changes will present significant challenges to many industry participants. We need Board members who not only know the industry, but who can react creatively with purpose and energy to the inevitable challenges we will face. Kim is that kind of person and I believe that she will continue to be a significant asset to the Board and to SEMA members in general.
Daniel Gresham,,
Former SEMA Board Member, Former SEMA Secretary Treasurer, Current SEMA Investment Committee, Founding Board Member of the SEMA Data Co-op

Ken Lingenfelter
I would like to strongly endorse Kim Pendergast for the 2024 SEMA board of directors. I have known Kim many years and we have partnered on numerous projects. She is competent, confident, experienced, and qualified in many areas of the automotive business. I find Kim’s operational and strategic skills exceptional. These skills are essential to protect the future of our industry in these uncertain times. That is why I urge you to join me in re-electing Kim to the 2024 SEMA board of directors.
Ken Lingenfelter, Owner, Lingenfelter Performance Engineering and The Lingenfelter Collection

Rick Rollins
I have known and worked with Kim Pendergast for several years and it is my pleasure to endorse her for the SEMA Board of Directors.
Myself, after serving 18 years on the SEMA Board, including 2 years as Chairman, I have seen many different “types” of board members and I know what makes the difference in a good board and a great board.
I know what capabilities, energy and (board) experience are needed, and Kim has them covered. Her industry knowledge, her tireless commitment, and her love of the industry in my conclusion, make her more than just a candidate, she needs to be sitting on the board.
Kim Pendergast has my vote.
Rick Rollins, Rollins Performance Marketing, LLC,
Filter Solutions Technologies, LLC / FST Performance®
Ron Coleman
I have known Kim since 2016. I’m impressed with what she has accomplished in her short time on the board. She transformed the mission of the scholarship committee, she was a strong and consistent supporter of SEMA garage, and strong member of the PAC Board. I know I want her on the board fighting for me and for our industry.
Ron Coleman, Former President, Comp Cams

Maureen Magnuson
I would like to endorse Kim Pendergast for SEMA Board of Directors. My husband, Jerry, and I decided to put our company up for sale 10 years ago. We wanted the prospective buyer to take a real interest in the product and the employees. Kim has proven to be a worthy choice and has not disappointed us in any way. She has continued to be involved with SEMA from day one. Also, she has demonstrated leadership qualities, worked relentlessly and achieved amazing goals. Kim kept the Magnuson name and tradition alive over these past 10 years facilitating an admirable work ethic…and also has become a very special friend.
Please vote for Kim for the SEMA board of directors.
Maureen Magnuson, Former Owner of Magnuson Products
Nile Cornelison
Passionate. Driven. Visionary. Just a few descriptors of the Kim Pendergast I have had the joy of knowing since she entered the industry 15 years ago. Her 25+ years of owning various manufacturing companies, understanding domestic & international logistics channels, and now owning Ventura, CA based Magnuson Superchargers, a 40-year SEMA member manufacturer, makes her an ideal candidate for the upcoming manufacturer seat on the SEMA BOD.
As the Magnuson Supercharger owner/CEO, she has led the company through the CARB process, grown a long-term Toyota award winning relationship, and became the supercharger provider for GM’s COPO Camaro, adding depth to the value she can bring to the SEMA BOD table.
In these uncertain times, I want you to know Kim Pendergast is representing our industry, the one I have dedicated my entire life to. Our industry needs, we need, her strategic and operational skills. I urge you to re-elect Kim Pendergast to the 2024 Board of Directors.
Nile Cornelison, SEMA Hall of FAME, SEMA Person of the Year, SEMA Board Member 8 years

Russell Stephens
Pertonix Performance Brands
John Hillen
Combat Veteran and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State
Doug Evans
President High Performance Advisors, SEMA Person of the Year, Former Chairman SEMA Board of Directors